30 cm x 4 cm ruler printing

From USD$ 0.20

Min Order: 2000
Quantity Product cost ( Pick up from China ) Product + Railway Ship To (EU) Door Product+ Air Ship To (EU) Door
2,000 pcs USD$ 0.31
2,000 USD$ 0.31 USD$0.39 USD$0.54
3,000 USD$ 0.30 USD$0.39 USD$0.53
5,000 USD$ 0.25 USD$0.32 USD$0.48
7,500 USD$ 0.23 USD$0.3 USD$0.46
10,000 USD$ 0.21 USD$0.28 USD$0.44
20,000+ USD$ 0.20 USD$0.27 USD$0.43



Additional information

Weight 0.022 kg
Dimensions 30 cm

Digital print (full color design)


2000 or less


Government, Health Care and Social Assistance